
Maryland Archeology Month

April 2019

The Magic and Mystery of Maryland Archeology

Magical objects

Maryland Archeology Month is a celebration of our shared archeological heritage - created by Maryland's diverse inhabitants over the last 12,000 years. Protecting this irreplaceable archeological heritage provides opportunities to discover and learn from the past. We invite you to "Get Involved!" in Maryland's past by attending as many events as you can.

Archeology Month Events:


Events by Location


Events by Date

April 4

Calvert County

Lecture: Artifacts of Magic & Religion: Interpreting the material culture of faith and the supernatural in Maryland with Sara Rivers Cofield

When there is evidence of religious faith and superstition in the archaeological record, it is a valuable opportunity to explore and interpret the beliefs of the people we study. Artifacts like saint medals and cross pendants were made as religious symbols, but sometimes ordinary objects like coins or horseshoes were used as lucky talismans or protective charms that offered similar comfort. Both kinds of artifacts will be considered in this talk to explore not just where people lived and what they owned or ate, but also how they perceived the world around them.

Sponsor: Friends of JPPM

Location: MAC Lab, Jefferson Patterson Park & Museum

Time(s):  7:00 pm

email: jef.pat@maryland.gov


Website: jefpat.org

Facebook Live Stream: Premiere Event for Archeological Society of Maryland's "Calverton" with Kirsti Uunila & MAC Lab Archaeologist
When:  Thursday, April 4th at 3:00PM EST on Calvert County's Official Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/Calvert-County-Government-Calvert-County-Maryland-251501561757/>

Where: online

The live stream will start with an  introductions and a short forward about the history of the "Calverton" Dig Site by Kirsti Uunila and Patricia Samford introductions and a short forward about the history of the "Calverton" Dig Site. Once the backstory is established, CMR will transition via software from the live stream right into debuting the four-minute "Calverton" video. After the four-minute video, CMR will transition back into the live stream. Kirsti and Patricia Samford will talk about "Calverton" and show some artifacts before opening the conversation up to a brief Q&A from the live streaming audience comments section.

CMR anticipates the total run time of the entire Facebook live stream event to be 15-30 minutes.


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Archeological Society of Maryland, Inc